
The Dillsburg Cemetery Association was founded in 1903 as an incorporation of the Dillsburg Graveyard, which dates from the French and Indian War.


In 1989, due to a limited number of spaces remaining at the Dillsburg Cemetery - Mountain Road, the Cemetery Association Board began to look for additional land.

During the winter of 1997, 20 acres of land located on Golf Course Road was found and later purchased in the spring of 1998 from Francis and Martha Hess.

This new location would provide the growing Dillsburg community with the burial space it would one day need.


Development began on this new section, known as the Dillsburg Cemetery - Golf Course Road, during the summer of 2000.

Although at the time only one quarter of the cemetery was developed, the Dillsburg Cemetery - Golf Course Road will eventually have 15,000 grave spaces available for burial.


The Golf Course Road Cemetery's first burial was at 2:00PM, December 3rd, 2001

©2021 Dillsburg Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 424, Dillsburg, PA 17019-0424  Phone: 717.432.5312