
Burial Grave Lots:


Cremation Lots  -  $475

Mountain Road Cemetery  -  $900

Golf Course Road Cemetery  -  $900


Saturday Internment Fee* - $250


Grave Openings:


Caskets  -  $1300

Cremations  -  $750

Baby Openings  -  $550


Headstone Footer  -  $.85 per square inch

Corner Markers  -  $75 for 2 markers

Columbarium Niches:


Single  -  $1300 | $1400 | $1500

Double  -  $2600 | $2800 | $3000


Niche opening, closing and engraving  -  $450

Pre-Need Lettering - $300

Deed Transfer Fee - $150


*No Sunday or Holiday Burials.

Funerals must enter the gates by 3:00pm

©2021 Dillsburg Cemetery Association, P.O. Box 424, Dillsburg, PA 17019-0424  Phone: 717.432.5312